Career Ideas

Thinking about career paths this week, I think I would like to either be Freelance or self employed. Preferably I would like to be based in surface design interiors or perhaps gift since gift would be easier if you were self employed to invest in. Another option I could see myself trying might be an Illustrator, as i did considered this when I was younger. But in all honesty I'm not entirely sure what I would like to do when I finish my degree, as long as its creative I don't think I'd mind.
However I've had a look on the Designer's trust website for more of an understanding of how you could become self employed and start up your own business and had a look at this guide they posted for some tips on how to start up a successful craft business

I think if I was going to work for a company I would like it to small and local to where I lived but also be able to do some freelance work for bigger companies, keeping my work varied.

On  the Creative skills set I looked at a few pages about what are good links to have in the creative world.

I have also thought of becoming an interior designer but think it would need to do a course on top of my degree or become a design assistant to gain the knowledge required, but i'm still not sure about this because of the technical understanding of furniture, I think i'd only be able to dress it and pick the colour schemes.

I also hadn't thought about being a retail designer or an exhibiton designer, who styles the shop windows until last week and think I might have to have a further look into jobs similar to these.


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